Written by: Best Astrologer in India Astrologer Kamaleshwar

According to Best Astrologer in Pune the Seven major Planets will attain exaltation on following seven zodiac signs. In these houses the planet power will be more. They can bring good fortune if they are beneficial planets in ascendant horoscope. If they are malefic in ascendant Horoscope then they will do more negativity.

Sun will get exalted in Mesha Rashi which is Known as Aries in Western Astrology.

Moon Will get exalted in Rishaba Rashi which is known as Taurus in western Astrology.

Mars will get Exalted in Makara Rashi which is known as Capricorn in Western astrology.

Mercury will get Exalted in Kanya Rashi which is known as Virgo in Western astrology.

Jupiter will get Exalted in Karkatakam Rashi Which is known as Cancer in Western astrology.

Venus will get Exalted in Meena Rashi which is known as Pisces in western Astrology.

Saturn will get Exalted in Tula Rashi which is known as Libra in western Astrology.

Note: Are you looking for an Astrologer in Pune? contact Best Online Astrologer Kamaleshwar. He is a Genuine Astrologer.

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