Written by: Best Astrologer in India Astrologer Kamaleshwar

Vedic astrology defines few planets as good and few planets as malefic.

According to various texts the list is as follows.

Sun – surya – Malefic Planet (Asubha Graha)

Moon – Chandra – Good Planet (Subha Graha)

Mars – Kuja – Malefic Planet (Asubha Graha)

Mercury – Budha – Good Planet (Subha Graha)

Jupiter – Guru – Good Planet (Subha Graha)

Venus – Shukra – Good Planet (Subha Graha)

Saturn – Sani – Malefic Planet (Asubha Graha)

Rahu – Malefic Planet (Asubha Graha)

Ketu – Malefic Planet (Asubha Graha)

Note: Are You Looking for an Astrologer in Lucknow? Contact Best Online Astrologer Kamaleshwar. He is a Genuine Astrologer.

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